Mobile & Remote Monitoring For Perimeter Security | Gateway Automation

Mobile & Remote Monitoring For Perimeter Security

As the demands of modern security evolve, so does the need for innovative solutions to safeguard critical assets and facilities. Mobile and remote monitoring technologies have emerged as powerful tools in the realm of perimeter security. Read on to find out the significance of mobile and remote monitoring, and how these advancements are revolutionising the way we protect our perimeters.

Flexibility and mobility

Traditional security measures often tie us to fixed surveillance points whereas mobile monitoring, on the other hand, provides unprecedented flexibility.

Security personnel can now monitor perimeters on the go, responding swiftly to potential threats. This flexibility is particularly valuable in large areas or those with challenging terrain, where constant mobility is essential.

Real-time visibility

One of the key advantages of mobile and remote monitoring is the ability to achieve real-time visibility of the secured area.

With the aid of mobile applications and remote access platforms, security professionals can receive live updates, video feeds, and alerts from any location. This instantaneous information is crucial for swift decision-making and proactive threat response.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

Drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), have become integral to mobile monitoring in perimeter security. Equipped with cameras and sensors, drones can patrol vast areas efficiently, capturing live footage and detecting anomalies.

The aerial perspective provided by UAVs enhances situational awareness, enabling security teams to identify potential threats from above.

Remote surveillance cameras

Advances in surveillance camera technology have paved the way for remote monitoring capabilities, ensuring that no area goes unmonitored, even when a physical presence is not feasible.

Remote surveillance cameras, equipped with advanced features like Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ), offer real-time monitoring capabilities from any location.

These cameras can be controlled remotely, allowing security personnel to adjust the field of view, ensuring comprehensive coverage and timely response to potential threats in various environments.

Geofencing technology

Geofencing is a technology that enables the creation of virtual boundaries within a physical location. In the context of mobile monitoring, geofencing allows security professionals to establish virtual perimeters.

When an individual or object breaches these virtual boundaries, instant alerts are triggered, providing an early warning system that enhances overall security effectiveness.

Integration with IoT sensors

The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the landscape of remote monitoring by connecting various sensors and devices.

IoT sensors, such as motion detectors, thermal cameras, and sound sensors, can be integrated into mobile monitoring systems. This integration ensures a comprehensive and multi-sensor approach to perimeter security.

Cloud-based platforms

Providing centralised storage, accessibility and management of security data, cloud-based platforms have revolutionised remote monitoring.

Security professionals can securely access and analyse data from any location with an internet connection. Cloud-based platforms enhance collaboration, scalability, and improve the efficiency of remote monitoring operations.

Smartphone integration

Mobile monitoring leverages the presence of smartphones to empower security personnel. Mobile applications allow users to access live feeds, control surveillance cameras, and receive alerts directly on their smartphones.

This seamless integration ensures that security personnel can stay connected and informed, whether they are on-site or managing operations remotely.

Mobile and remote monitoring for perimeter security represents a paradigm shift in how we approach the protection of critical assets and infrastructure.

For professional advice and support with reviewing and upgrading your security systems, get in touch with our team of experts at Gateway Automation on 01522 682255, or email, for professional help and advice.

With over 40 years of combined experience and expertise, Gateway Automation offers a value-for-money service with well-engineered and high-quality security systems and barriers, manufactured to your specific requirements.

Perimeter Security Trends: What's New In The Industry? | Gateway Automation

Perimeter Security Trends: What’s New In The Industry?

As technology continues to advance, so too does the field of perimeter security. Protecting assets, infrastructure, and people has become an increasingly sophisticated endeavour.

Read on to discover some of the latest trends in perimeter security, including cutting-edge technologies and strategies that are shaping the industry.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are revolutionising perimeter security. These technologies can analyse vast amounts of data in real-time, learning and adapting to patterns of normal behaviour.

AI-driven systems can identify anomalies, predict potential threats, and enhance overall situational awareness. This dynamic approach allows security systems to evolve and stay ahead of emerging risks.

Integrated video analytics

Video surveillance has been a cornerstone of perimeter security for years. However, the integration of advanced video analytics has taken surveillance to a new level.

AI-powered video analytics can now automatically detect and respond to unusual activities, such as unauthorised intrusions or suspicious behaviour. This proactive approach enhances security by minimising response time and reducing the risk of false alarms.

Radar technology

Radar systems have become increasingly popular in perimeter security due to their ability to provide continuous, all-weather surveillance.

Advanced radar technology can detect and track moving objects with high precision, offering an additional layer of security alongside traditional sensors. Radar systems are particularly effective in large outdoor areas, providing early detection capabilities.

Drone surveillance

Drones have emerged as a versatile tool for perimeter security. Equipped with high-resolution cameras and thermal imaging, drones can patrol large areas efficiently, providing real-time surveillance.

Automated drone systems, combined with AI algorithms, can enhance situational awareness and respond rapidly to potential threats.

Thermal imaging and infrared sensors

Excelling in low-light conditions and providing accurate surveillance, thermal imaging technology and infrared sensors have become staples in perimeter security. Infrared sensors and thermal cameras can detect heat signatures, allowing for effective surveillance in complete darkness.

Their ability to identify potential threats swiftly, even in the dark, ensures a proactive and reliable security solution for protecting critical infrastructure and preventing unauthorised access.

Fibre optic perimeter intrusion detection systems

Having gained popularity for their high accuracy and reliability, fibre optic Perimeter Intrusion Detection Systems (PIDS) use fibre optic cables to detect vibrations and disturbances along the perimeter.

Any attempt to breach the perimeter results in a disturbance in the fibre optic cable, triggering an immediate alert. Fibre optic PIDS offer a high level of sensitivity while minimising false alarms.

Biometric access control

Biometric technology is evolving beyond traditional access control systems. Facial recognition, fingerprint scanning, and other biometric modalities are now more commonly integrated into perimeter security solutions.

This enhances identity verification and helps to ensure that only authorised individuals gain access to secured areas. Biometric access control adds an extra layer of protection against unauthorised entry.

Cloud-based security solutions

Transforming the landscape of perimeter security management, cloud-based security solutions offer centralised monitoring, real-time updates, and remote access to security data.

Cloud-based platforms enable security personnel to manage multiple sites efficiently, enhancing scalability and flexibility in security operations.

Cybersecurity for physical security systems

With the convergence of physical and digital security, ensuring the cybersecurity of perimeter security systems is paramount.

Protecting against cyber threats is as crucial as securing the physical perimeter. Manufacturers are increasingly incorporating robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard against unauthorised access, data breaches, and system manipulation.

Smart fencing and barriers

Traditional physical barriers are evolving into smart fencing and barriers, equipped with sensors and technology. Smart fencing systems can detect vibrations, breaches, or tampering attempts, triggering immediate alerts.

Integrating these technologies with automated response systems provides a proactive defence against potential threats, ensuring robust protection for secured areas.

Staying ahead of the trends

Perimeter security is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements and the need for more sophisticated defence strategies. Staying abreast of these trends is essential for organisations seeking to implement robust and effective perimeter security solutions.

For professional advice and support with reviewing and upgrading your security systems, get in touch with our team of experts at Gateway Automation on 01522 682255, or email, for professional help and advice.

With over 40 years of combined experience and expertise, Gateway Automation offer a value-for-money service with well-engineered and high-quality security systems and barriers, manufactured to your specific requirements.

Emergency procedures: what to do when your security gate fails | Gateway Automation

Emergency Procedures: What To Do When Your Security Gate Fails

Security gates play a crucial role in safeguarding properties, controlling access, and ensuring the safety of individuals and assets. However, like any technology, security gates may encounter malfunctions or failures, potentially compromising the security of the premises.

Here are some emergency procedures to follow when faced with a security gate failure, enabling you to respond swiftly and effectively to mitigate risks.

Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

In the event of a security gate failure, the first and foremost step is to remain calm. Panicking can impede rational decision-making.

Then, assess the situation to determine the nature of the failure. Is it a mechanical malfunction, an electrical issue, or a combination of factors? Understanding the specific problem will guide your response.

Contact the Security Provider or Maintenance Team

If your property’s security gate is part of a professionally managed security system, promptly contact the security provider or the maintenance team responsible for the gate.

They may have remote diagnostics capabilities or on-call technicians who can address the issue promptly. Provide details about the nature of the problem and any observations you have made.

Implement Manual Override Procedures

Many modern security gates are equipped with manual override features for situations like power outages or technical failures.

Refer to the gate’s user manual to understand how to implement manual override procedures. This might involve using a manual crank, a key-operated mechanism, or other methods to open or close the gate manually.

Secure the Premises

Until the issue is resolved, it is essential to secure the premises through alternative means to mitigate any risks in the interim.

Depending on the property’s layout, consider using additional security measures such as temporary barriers, increased personnel presence, or enhanced surveillance. The goal is to maintain security and prevent unauthorised access during the gate failure.

Communicate with Stakeholders

Keep stakeholders informed about the security gate failure. This includes residents, employees, and any relevant authorities.

Clear communication helps manage expectations, prevents unnecessary disruptions, and ensures that everyone is aware of the temporary security measures in place.

Utilise communication channels such as text messages, email, or intercom systems, depending on the nature of the property.

Collaborate with Emergency Services

In cases where the security gate failure poses immediate safety concerns, collaborate with emergency services. Inform local police departments, fire departments, or relevant emergency response agencies about the situation.

They can provide guidance on managing security, as well as offering support to address any heightened safety risks associated with the gate failure.

Document the Incident

It is a good idea to record details of the security gate failure, including the time, nature of the issue, and actions taken.

Documenting the incident will be valuable for post-incident analysis and can assist in identifying recurring patterns or underlying problems that may need permanent solutions. This documentation also serves as a reference for future security planning and improvements.

Conduct a Post-Incident Review

Once the security gate is operational again, conduct a thorough post-incident review. Evaluate the root cause of the failure, assess the effectiveness of the emergency procedures implemented, and identify areas for improvement.

This reflective process contributes to a more resilient security infrastructure and will help to ensure that you are prepared for potential future incidents.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Proactive maintenance is essential to prevent security gate failures. Establish a regular maintenance schedule with qualified technicians to inspect, service, and address potential issues before they escalate.

Preventive maintenance not only ensures the ongoing reliability of the security gate but also minimises the likelihood of emergency situations.

Consider Redundancy Measures

To enhance security gate reliability, consider implementing redundancy measures. This might involve installing a secondary gate, a pedestrian entrance, or an alternative access control system.

Redundancy measures provide backup solutions in the event of a primary gate failure, maintaining security while the primary issue is addressed.

Responding to a security gate failure requires a systematic and level-headed approach. By following these steps, you can navigate security gate failures with confidence and ensure the continued safety and security of your property and the people and assets within it.

For professional advice and support with reviewing, servicing, and upgrading your security systems, get in touch with our team of experts at Gateway Automation on 01522 682255, or email

With over 40 years of combined experience and expertise, Gateway Automation offers a value-for-money service with well-engineered and high-quality security systems and barriers, manufactured to your specific requirements.

Maintenance tips for ensuring the longevity of your security gate | Gateway Automation

Maintenance Tips For Ensuring The Longevity Of Your Security Gate

Security gates serve as the first line of defence for your property, providing a crucial layer of protection against unauthorised access and potential security threats. To ensure the longevity and optimal functionality of your security gate, regular maintenance is paramount.

Neglecting this aspect can lead to malfunctions, reduced effectiveness, and costly repairs. Read on to discover essential maintenance tips to help you keep your security gate in top-notch condition for years to come.

Regular Cleaning

One of the simplest yet most effective maintenance practices is regular cleaning. Exposure to the elements such as rain, dust, and debris, can take a toll on your gate’s mechanical components.

Clean the gate, tracks, and surrounding areas with a mild detergent and water solution to remove accumulated dirt. This not only enhances the gate’s aesthetic appeal but also prevents corrosion and ensures smooth operation.


Proper lubrication is crucial for the smooth functioning of your security gate. Apply a high-quality, weather-resistant lubricant to the moving parts, hinges, and rollers. This will help to minimise friction, reduce wear and tear, and extend the lifespan of these components.

Inspection Routine

Establish a regular inspection routine to identify potential issues before they escalate. Check for loose bolts, damaged wiring, or signs of corrosion during these inspections.

Ensure that safety features, such as sensors and reversing mechanisms, are working correctly. It is imperative that any issues you discover are addressed promptly to prevent further damage and to maintain the gate’s reliability.

Seasonal Adjustments

Different seasons bring varying challenges for your security gate. In winter, the accumulation of ice can hinder smooth operation, while in summer, extreme heat may affect electronic components.

In colder climates, consider applying a de-icing solution to prevent ice buildup. Provide shade or additional cooling for electronic components exposed to intense heat. Making seasonal adjustments as needed will help to prevent any issues from occurring.

Electrical System Checks

If your security gate operates electronically, pay special attention to the electrical components. Regularly inspect the control panel, wiring, and any electronic accessories for signs of wear, damage, or corrosion.

Ensure that the power supply is stable, and consider installing surge protectors to safeguard against electrical fluctuations.

Address Rust Immediately

Rust is the arch-nemesis of metal components. When you spot any signs of rust, act quickly to address the issue. Use a wire brush to remove the rust, apply a rust converter, and finish with an anti-corrosion coating.

This proactive approach can significantly extend the life of your gate, especially if it is exposed to harsh weather conditions.

Professional Maintenance

While many maintenance tasks can be handled by property owners or managers, it is wise to schedule professional maintenance at least once a year.

Certified technicians can perform in-depth inspections, identify potential problems, and provide specialised care that ensures the reliability and longevity of your security gate.

By investing time and effort in regular maintenance, you not only protect your property effectively but also save on potential repair costs in the long run.

A well-maintained security gate is not just a deterrent to unauthorised access; it is a testament to your commitment to the safety and security of your property, assets, and personnel.

For professional advice and support with reviewing, servicing, and upgrading your security systems, get in touch with our team of experts at Gateway Automation on 01522 682255, or email

With over 40 years of combined experience and expertise, Gateway Automation offers a value-for-money service with well-engineered and high-quality security systems and barriers, manufactured to your specific requirements.