Why bollards are important on college and university campuses

Automatic bollardsBollards are a great security measure and are especially useful in the education sector such as colleges and universities. Here we discuss how bollards can be used on campuses in order to increase the level of security and safety.

When implemented correctly and in the correct locations, they can be used to help students, staff, and visitors alike. When you consider how many people are on campus at any one time, as well as the fact they contain banks, shops, libraries, doctors surgeries and pubs, universities are more like small towns and therefore traffic management systems need to carefully be put in place, bollards being one of these.

What are bollards?
Bollards are short posts which are used as protective barriers and to mark areas ensuring both road and pedestrian traffic are aware of the correct routes they can travel. This helps with safety as well as the flow of pedestrians. They are a great form a safety without being intrusive or obstructive as they can fit into the design of the surrounding area.

Car parks
An obvious place to have bollards are in car parks. These can be some of the most dangerous areas on campus, as on busy days there will be both a lot of cars as well as pedestrians. In addition to this, because it is a campus, statistically a lot of the drivers will be young and some will have only just learnt to drive, making it even more hazardous. The combination of trying to find a parking space, people walking and chatting carelessly through the car park and the fact people may be running late can all cause accidents or serious injuries. Having bollards can help this as they can indicate where the pedestrian areas are. Also use them if the car park is next to a busy street. Not only will they protect pedestrians nearby, if a car was to hit the bollard, the damage caused will be significantly less than if the bollard wasn’t there and they crashed into something else, such as another car or even a building.

Also consider using bollards at any drop off points. Similar to car parks, these areas are extremely hectic and therefore bollards can help indicate where pedestrians must walk.

Bike lanes
A common way for students and staff to get around university campuses is by bike. Therefore, it is common to use bollards down the edges of bike lanes. These show to cars and other road traffic that these areas are off limits. It also shows pedestrians that they should avoid walking in these areas too. This improves safety but also traffic flow as the bikes can use this line with no obstacles in their way.

Pathways and green spaces
Having bollards around pathways and on the edge of lawns lets people know where they can and cannot walk. Although they can of course walk between the bollards, having them there acts as a physical deterrent and overall people tend to stick to designated areas. These are important during icy or snowy weather as the bollards can indicate the areas that have been gritted and therefore safest to walk on. You can also use them around artwork features such as fountains or sculptures that you want to protect from oncoming traffic.

Access control
Sometimes, there will be occasions where the emergency services may need access to areas that have bollards stopping their progress. In cases like this, there are automatic bollards available. These bollards are different as they are retractable, meaning you do not have to have them up constantly. This is great if you need quick emergency access or want to open the area up to allow more parking etc on certain days.

Additional safety measures
There are several options that can be chosen to be integrated into the bollards. A crown of LED lights can be added to automatic bollards along with a built-in warning signal. Traffic lights can also be used to warn people when the bollards are moving and when it is safe to pass.

For high risk areas that need extra security, anti-terrorism bollards are also available. These are hydraulic powered and great for protective sensitive sites. They lower the impact of anything coming into contact with it, protecting the area around it.

To find out more about what bollard options are available for your business, please contact us at Gateway Automation for a free quotation

Things to consider before buying barriers and gates

Buying barriers or gates can be a big investment, so you need to ensure that you are choosing the best option for your needs. Here are a few questions you should ask yourself before deciding which is best for you to buy.

1.    What level of security do I need?
This is the first question you should ask yourself. The barriers or gates needed will completely depend on the type of business you have and what security you need. If you require the strongest and most secure barriers then these will inevitably cost more, but you need to think about it as a long-term investment and how much they will benefit the business by protecting your assets.

2.    What access do I need?
You need to think carefully about who needs to access your building. Will staff members be needing vehicle access on a regular basis? Do you also need access for delivery vehicles and if so, how regularly? If the answers to these questions are yes then you will need to think of a barrier or gate which is easy and quick to open. Will you have a high number of pedestrians coming onto your premises? If the answer is yes, then you may want to consider the use of turnstiles.

3.    What space do you have available?
Another major thing to consider is what space you have available on your property. Do you actually have the space to install the gates you want? For example, if you are thinking about getting swing gates, you need to consider the extra space required for the gate to open fully.

4.    What is your budget?
For most businesses, you need to stick to a strict budget and although it would be great if money wasn’t a factor, it often is. You need to ensure you get the product you want which meets your needs whilst still being affordable. Again, you need to think of it as an investment and not automatically go for the cheapest option, as it could lead to your property and assets not being as protected as they should be.

5.    Will you have any staff members for security?
If you are planning on having security at your entrance then this will change the type of barrier and gate you want significantly. If you have someone there to open and close the gates and monitor who enters and leaves, then your options will be different.

6.    What do you want them to look like?
Last but not least, you need to ensure that the barriers and gates you choose are secure but also look good and fit in with the rest of your property. You also need to think about what impact you want to make. If you want to make an impression and deter people from entering, then you may go for imposing gates. On the other hand, you may want the property to have a sense of people being welcome when they enter, so you may go for a more subtle option instead. Each business is different.

At the end of the day, each business has its own needs for barriers and gates. They vary significantly depending on the sector you work in and the location of the business. There are many factors that will determine what you require from barriers and gates. They are a big investment for companies, so you need to ensure you choose what is right for you. If you ask yourself the six questions above, then hopefully you will know exactly what you require, and we can help you go through the options available to you.

To find out more about our barriers and gates, please contact us on 01522 682255 for a free, no obligation and feasibility survey to assess your perimeter security equipment.

Why your business will benefit from barriers and gates

Security is of the upmost importance for businesses and should be a priority. Online security is becoming a main focus for many companies, which is great, but physical security is still just as important. One of the main and most effective methods you can use to help make your premises secure is with the use of barriers. There are many benefits to your business of having barriers which we will discuss now, including that they are easy to install and one of the most cost-effective ways to protect your business in a physical sense.

1.    Barriers can save you money in the long term
Physical security measures should be considered as an investment for the long term of your business. Yes, some options can be costly, however when you consider the potential losses your company can make if you were ever broken in to, then barriers are extremely good value for money. As your business grows the value of your assets also increases and therefore it is important you protect these as soon as possible.

In addition to these, some gate and barrier options come with automated keypads which allow only authorised people in. This reduces the need of having someone physically being part of the security which will significantly lower costs as you will not need to pay them a salary.

2.    Barriers control who enters and exits your premises
Barriers are great at controlling who enters your premises. Although CCTV and other methods can show you who is near your premises, barriers are physical and therefore a must have for most companies. They can be used alongside fences to establish where your boundaries are, ensuring that people understand where this boundary lies. If you have people regularly visiting your premises then you may still need some manned support to help this, however the use of security codes and intercoms help make the entry process both secure and easy.

3.    Barriers act as a deterrent
Not only do barriers physically keep people out when they are trying to enter without authorisation, they can help act as a deterrent and put people off even attempting to enter if they are not allowed. In addition to this, some people accidently trespass on company property if they have not clearly defined where they own. By having barriers and fences, this shows people immediately and will avoid any confusion from innocent people who do not mean any harm. This is especially a problem if your property is near public footpaths or roads where accidental trespassing is likely.

4.    Barriers can improve the image and professionalism of your company
Having sufficient security can show to others that you take your business seriously. By having high quality barriers and gates, you present the image that you care about your assets and want to protect them. This comes across well to employees who will inevitably feel safer working in a more secure environment, but also to people who you are doing business with you. It shows you are a respectable business and it will look good for your brand and reputation as a company.

5.    Barriers are easy to use
Barriers and gates are some of the simplest forms of security but also some of the most effective. They are tried and tested to work well for companies and the fact they are relatively cheap compared to some electrical security solutions makes them an obvious choice. Sometimes all you will need is someone to open and close them at the end of each day.

6.    Barriers can prevent certain types of vehicles entering
Barriers are also a great way to ensure only certain types of vehicles enter your premises, or sections of it. Going to height restrictor barriers can ensure you do not get large vehicles entering and parking. This is great for businesses which have car parking areas. However, you need to ensure that if you do need access to large vehicles for deliveries or other purposes that they have an alternative route for access.

To find out more about what barrier and gate options are available for your business, please contact us on 01522 682255 for a free, no obligation and feasibility survey to assess your perimeter security equipment.

What are the security risks in schools?

It is vital that our schools are as protected and secure as possible. Students and teachers alike spend large portions of their weekdays here, so they need to know they are as secure as possible for their own safety.

Unfortunately, there are many security risks that can occur at school ranging from truancy to unauthorised access which could lead to fires, vandalism and threats. Although security measures are expensive, and schools are run on strict budgets, it is a lot more costly to deal with the effects of a security breach than it potentially is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Here we discuss some of the security risks schools face and how we can try and combat them.

Property related crime is a relatively common occurrence and risk at schools. Vandalism and theft not only cause damage to the property and the need to replace the equipment, it could lead to a serious data breach if sensitive information is leaked. It also causes disruption to the running of the school and lessons, which in turn will impact the quality of learning. Having repeated acts of this type can also have a demotivating impact on both staff and students.

Perimeter Security
It is common for vandalism to happen on school grounds after hours and during school holidays. Due to the school being unoccupied for significant amounts of time during these school breaks, it makes the premises vulnerable, especially if the sufficient security measures are not in place. Perimeter security is the easiest and often most cost-effective method of controlling this. Having gates and fences around the entire boundary of the school not only prevents unauthorised people from coming onto the site whilst the school is closed, they are equally as effective during school hours as well. Having security gates in full time use will also reduce the risk of truancy. Schools with extensive fields and land need to ensure that all of the perimeter is as secure as possible.

Access Control
A lot of schools have many different points of entry which makes securing the property difficult. In many circumstances the school may offer services to the local community such as a gym, library or nursery which will mean access to the general public will be necessary. Not having control over who comes into the school can cause problems. To reduce the risk of anything bad happening, ensuring the main buildings, and rooms storing important equipment and data such as computer rooms and server rooms, should have additional security and methods of access control. Having key cards and entry codes are ways to add this additional security. Its also important to ensure computer rooms and server rooms are not on the ground floor if possible, as these are in a more vulnerable location.

Bollards and Speed Ramps
It is not only the risk of vandalism, theft and unauthorised entry which schools have to consider. School car parks are there to be used by staff and parents, however these come with their own security risk. Due to how busy car parks come at the beginning and end of the school day, the volume of vehicles and pedestrians can lead to the risk of injury or damage. Having bollards to block off some areas from vehicles parking as well as having speed ramps to ensure traffic is always slow are two simple ways of reducing this risk.

The risks discussed are just some that schools can face daily. The security of schools needs to be measured and assessed regularly to ensure the staff and students remain safe. Although security measures can be costly, Gateway Automation can help to choose the most cost-effective options for you. For a free non-obligation quotation and feasibility survey please contact Gateway Automation on 01522 682255.

Why physical security is just as important as cyber security

It is common and smart for businesses to focus a lot of their attention on cyber security. With almost all businesses now using some sort of computers, the risks of cyber threats and protecting sensitive data is vital. However, it is also important for business not to let this focus on cyber security make them forget the need for physical security, which is just as important and can actually help towards cyber security at the same time. Here are just a few ways in which physical security is just as important for a business.

Perimeter security acts as a deterrent for unwanted visitors
The simplest form of physical security is using a form of perimeter security such as gates and fencing. Not only do these acts as a deterrent for people entering the businesses’ property unauthorised, it gives the business full control over who comes into your building and who doesn’t, reducing the risk of unauthorised people getting close to sensitive company data.

Physical security can help protect your servers
Keeping your servers in a separate room that only authorised people with access control can enter will help protect your cyber security. Knowing that unauthorised personnel cannot come near your IT infrastructure will give you peace of mind. Although remote access from unauthorised hackers is still a risk, ensuring they cannot physically get near your IT systems reduces the risk of information being stolen.

Criminals tend to look for IT systems first as they are valuable and contain important and sensitive information. Having access-controlled doors or gates will make it very difficult for the criminals to access.

Access Control
Using key cards and entry codes are just some of the most effective methods to ensure the correct people are entering your business, leaving rare opportunities for criminals to get access to your valuable equipment and information.

Security Guard
Sometimes having a person alongside your perimeter security will add an extra layer of security which could benefit your business greatly. Having someone to open and close the perimeter will ensure only authorised people can enter, it means your property is protected and also means there is someone there to take action if anything bad were to happen.

Creates a strong sense of security for staff
Although firewalls and encryption software are vital for businesses, having physical security alongside this will ensure all the staff and visitors feel secure whilst they are on your property. This leads to happier staff and can improve staff retention.

Although cyber security will rightfully continue to be a priority for businesses, forgetting about physical security or overlooking its importance would be a mistake. They can be used together as part of a security suite to ensure your premises and the information it contains remains as safe as possible.

To find out more about how our forms of physical security systems and devices can help you protect your business, please contact us on 01522 682255 for a free, no obligation quotation and feasibility survey to assess your security equipment.

A guide to swing gates

Gates are one of the most traditional and popular forms of perimeter security and remain one of the most effective. Here is a quick guide to choosing the perfect swing gate that will suit your business needs.

Swing gate vs sliding gate
There are many reasons why choosing a swing gate may be the perfect option for you compared to a sliding gate. Swing gates are quieter which makes them perfect for sites that need to open and close the gates at unsociable hours. They also open and close in a very discrete and smooth manner, making them a simple yet effective option. You also can change which direction it needs to open depending on your requirements. As long as you have sufficient space for the gates to fully open and “arc”, swing gates are a great looking option.

Automatic swing gate vs manual swing gate
Once you have decided on a swing gate you need to decide whether you would like it to open automatically or manually. Again, this will depend on both your needs and your budget. Automatic gates can come with sensors and remote controls which provide greater control over your security. They also provide convenience as someone doesn’t have to manually open them each time.  Our GA9600 Automatic Swing Gate is fully assembled and ready to bolt down on site, meaning there is minimum disruption caused for your business whilst they are being installed.

Manual swing gates are the ideal choice for many sites where a fully automated barrier is neither cost effective or necessary. Sometimes you only need a gate to act as a physical barrier and deterrent without the need for it to open itself. Our GA5700 manual gate is robustly made from steel, and great for unmanned areas with low volumes of traffic. It also come with an additional latch post and padlock for additional security. Whilst other security measures such as CCTV are a great way of monitoring activity and spotting anything happening, it is perimeter security which is needed to actively stop people from entering. Although gates should not be your only form of security, they should be one of your first considerations when making your premises secure.

Whichever option you choose will be effective, strong, reliable and long-lasting. When choosing, decide on which type of gate will look the best and is within your budget. If you do ever experience any issues, we are always on hand to help. We offer a nationwide reactive callout service and we have local engineers based across the UK and Ireland.

To find out more about our swing gates, please contact us on 01522 682255 for a free, no-obligation quotation and feasibility survey to assess your perimeter security equipment.

How bollards can improve safety

Bollards can help a wide variety of organisations to improve their safety. Whether its for a shopping centre, hospital, school or stadium, bollards are good additional security. Below are just some of the advantages to having bollards on site.

Calms traffic and aids navigation
Large public areas such as shopping centres, hospitals and stadiums also have large car parks. Having bollards in place here will help reduce the speed of cars whilst driving. This is important as they are many other cars and pedestrians in the area meaning careless driving can result in accidents. Having bollards near pedestrian walkways and entrances, indicate both where the pedestrians need to walk but also ensures cars slow down for them.

Prevents overparking

Having bollards can denote where people should park which will prevent overparking and people parking in restricted areas or anywhere they will block access to others.

Prevents crime and terrorism
Unfortunately, anti-terrorism and crime measures are needed more than ever and there are a range of crash tested, automatic bollards available for this. Crowded areas like stadiums and shopping centres or high-profile buildings can become a target due to the potential damage that can be caused, therefore bollards that can withstand ram raiding attacks are sometimes necessary to provide that extra security for everyone.  Not only do they act as a deterrent, but if something did happen, they make it difficult for criminals to getaway.

Protects large glass doors
Many hospitals, universities and shopping centres feature large glass doors or windows which provide a vulnerable point of access. Bollards placed outside of these areas can stop any vehicles crashing through the glass, whether intentionally or not.

Promotes greater sense of security
Having bollards installed can make people feel more secure. Whether this be customers, patients or employees, it is always good to know that security measures have been considered and they know they are safe within the building.

Automatic bollards
We offer a range of automatic bollards which provide a lot of additional benefits to standard bollards. Being able to have them move up or down with an electrohydraulic mechanism means you can use them to deter unlawful entry and to restrict zones at certain times of the day (for example, in car parks when you do not want any new people entering). Automatic bollards also allow you to have control over who enters. You can lower the bollards to authorised cars only and return the bollard afterwards.

These are just some of the benefits of having bollards installed, however they prove how important and beneficial they can be to many businesses and should be considered when deciding on security messages.

Gateway Automation can help businesses and organisations to protect their assets from serious crime with minimum disruption and while maintaining safe and comfortable working environments for clients, contractors, customers and other highly important individuals. For a free non-obligation and feasibility survey please contact Gateway Automation on 01522 682255. Alternatively, our brochure can be downloaded here: http://www.gatewayautomation.co.uk/brochure/.

How security can improve the hotel experience

People love going to hotels. The sense of getting away from day to day lives and experience a new place without the worry of having cook or clean is an appealing concept. However, it’s vital that guests feel safe in doing so. Having access control and perimeter security measures are amazing ways of doing this and when done correctly will help improve the overall hotel experience. Here are just a few of the ways they do this:

1.    It makes the guests feel safe and secure
If customers know that the hotel has security, they can have peace of mind and feel more comfortable. They need to know that their belongings will be safe (including their car) and that only authorised people will be able to access the building. If this happens successfully, they will be relaxed and enjoy the hotel more.

2.    Will promote return stays
If their first experience of the hotel is good, they are more likely to return if they know when they arrive at the hotel that they don’t have to worry about anything.

3.    Will recommend to family and friends
If someone has a pleasant stay, they will want to recommend to friends and family but also on review websites which are vital for the hotel industry.

4.    Creates exclusivity
Having control access can have a phycological effect on the guests. Being a select few who can enter the building will automatically make them feel that bit more privileged. It creates a sense of privacy as well which some guests crave.

5.    Will improve the hotel’s reputation
Being known as a safe hotel is a reputation that is almost priceless and can only be seen as a good thing to potential guests.

6.    Makes the employees feel safer
It’s not just the guests that benefit from the additional security. The employees themselves will feel safer coming to work knowing that its secure. This, in turn, has been known to improve employee morale and productivity.

How can this be achieved with Gateway Automation?

–    These are perfect for hotel car parks, which will mean only guests will be able to access it.
–    The gates we provide are among the strongest barriers to unauthorised entry and a strong physical deterrent
–    Automatic barriers can achieve the same effect, however ultimately it depends on which option will work best for your hotel and look the nicest.
–    We provide fully automatic barriers which can be controlled by push buttons, tokens, proximity cards, pins, CCTV or by on-site security guards, so we can tailor it to your needs and requirements.

Speed Ramps
It is important that the car park is a smooth process and not hectic. Speeding and reckless behaviour can be reduced by using speed ramps. When utilised correctly, they act as a deterrent for unwanted vehicle access as well.

–    Full height turnstiles could be used if there is a pedestrian entrance to the hotel which you need controlling, especially if there is no manned security available constantly.
–    Waist height turnstiles can be used indoors if the hotel has a gym or certain facilities that have restricted access.

–    With options to have video Intercom or just audio, these are great devices to have located at hotels at the entrance, ensuring you know who is coming in and out of the premises.

Proximity Devices
–    Proximity cards and Proximity Access Keypads again can both be effectively used at hotels to restrict access in certain areas and can be used in conjunction with both turnstiles and gates.

Gateway Automation can help hotels protect their assets from serious crime with minimum disruption while maintaining safe and comfortable working environments for clients, contractors, customers and other highly important individuals. For a free non-obligation quotation and feasibility survey please contact Gateway Automation on 01522 682255. Alternatively, our brochure can be downloaded here: http://www.gatwayautomation.co.uk/brochure/

How turnstiles can benefit your business

A great way to improve the security of your business is by using turnstiles. These are available in a range of options to suit your needs. Turnstiles not only allow control over access to a building, but they also improve security and will act as a deterrent. They can be easily adapted to suit your business needs as well. They are able to include a range of credential verifiers including fingerprint recognition and proximity device readers which allow you to be in full control of who enters your premises.

Turnstiles are much more efficient and effective compared to using doors, even if they are secure. The main reason is because of the risk of “tailgating”. With a secure door, even though users will need to be authorised to open the door, once it is open there is no way of controlling how long the door consequently stays open for or how many people are let through. Obviously, the use of CCTV will help monitor this, however it cannot stop it from happening in the first place. Using turnstiles means only one authorised person can enter at a time, eliminating the possibility of tailgating occurring. With doors, there is also no way of controlling the direction. Even if a door is deemed an exit, once the door is open, there is limited control over how many people use it as an entrance point instead and vice versa.

Who uses turnstiles?
Turnstiles are commonly used at (but not limited to):

–    Schools, colleges and universities
–    Gyms
–    Football grounds and sports stadiums
–    Train stations
–    Theme parks
–    Manufacturing facilities
–    Military bases
–    Apartment buildings
–    Hotels

What types are there? 

Waist Height
These turnstiles usually consist of a barrier with three arms, installed at waist height which allows access to one person at a time and rotates round.

Mainly used for: Indoor locations including arenas and universities but also train stations and theme parks. They allow for smooth entry which can help with large crowd control. The only disadvantages to consider are the higher risk of people trying to jump over the turnstile and also the need to have an additional gate installed next to it to allow access for disabled users. Both of these however are easily combatted by still having manned security available.

Full Height
Full height turnstiles go from the floor to the top of the turnstile and act similar to a revolving door, allowing only one person at a time.

Mainly used for: Outdoor use where higher security is necessary, especially if there is no manned security available.

They are the best option for perimeter control; however, you will have to ensure that all the rest of the perimeter is secure with additional fencing. Full height barriers are bulky so you need to think if your location is suitable. You will also still need an additional entry point for disabled access.

What to consider before choosing

All of the following factors will change which type of turnstile is best for you

–    Location – is the area you need securing outdoors or indoors?
–    What are you using it for?
–    Will there be manned security as well?
–    What is your budget?
–    What features are necessary?
–    Aesthetics features – will they fit in and still look nice?

Advantages to having them 

–    Some turnstiles have the ability to monitor forced entry attempts
–    Reduces the need for manned security. If you also have manned security, their time will be better spent overseeing and dealing with any problems, rather than individually checking everyone’s credentials.
–    They will last. Even with consistent use, they will continue to perform over long periods of time.
–    Limited need for maintenance – because the majority are produced from stainless steel, the quality of the turnstiles means the need for maintenance is unlikely
–    Reassures both the business owners that only authorised personnel are able to enter, but also reassures all employees that they are working in a safe environment
–    Turnstiles act as a deterrent.  Just knowing a place has the extra security turnstiles bring can stop potential unauthorised personnel even attempting to enter
–    Makes entry and exiting a smooth and quick process
–    Turnstiles can go in one direction or two. You could time it so that it only worked as an entrance in the morning, and as only an exit in the evening
–    They are robust, sturdy and reliable

Gateway Automation can help businesses and organisations to protect their assets from serious crime with minimum disruption while maintaining safe and comfortable working environments for clients. For a free non-obligation quotation and feasibility survey please contact Gateway Automation on 01522 682255. Alternatively, our brochure can be downloaded here: https://www.gatewayautomation.co.uk/brochure/

4 main methods of securing your business more effectively

When it comes to keeping your business secure, many business owners think they have it all covered. However, with crime rates on the up, there is little room for doubt these days. Here are some commonly utilised forms of perimeter security that your business should seriously consider adopting if it hasn’t already done so.

While it may sound obvious, the first place that needs to be secure is the entrance way. You would not believe how many people forget about securing this first entrance point to their premises. It is the first point of contact with anyone that visits or comes onto your site, so it needs to be majorly secure in order to prevent any unwanted access. This is where automated security gates come in perfectly, whether it be automatic swinging gates to bi-folding speed gates, they will all do the job of helping your premises become a more secure location.

Security posts
Security posts are great for any business or even retail store. They hold a simplistic design but can have such a powerful and secure impact. How you might say? Well, although they may be simple, their solid structure can stop a lot of vandalism and damage to your business. It can stop things such as ram raids and burglaries from occurring as it will prevent anyone from being able to hit your business with a heavy vehicle trying to gain access. Even with the plethora of different options available today, security posts are still one of the best methods to secure your business.

When it comes to turnstiles, the first thing that usually comes to mind is football grounds and sports grounds, where you must go through them with a ticket or card in order to access the ground. Well, they are also great for businesses, mainly large businesses that have a lot of employees that come through the door each day. A turnstile helps to prevent unwanted access from anyone that is not meant to be there and only allows employees and authorised access through. This would therefore allow your business to be fully secure as you know that everyone that passes through it is meant to be there.

Biomet-what? Never heard of it? Well biometric security involves measuring unique characteristics of a person, such as fingerprints, voice etc. meaning it is one of the most secure methods you can get for your business. Having this within your business will allow for maximum security as it will only allow people in with those unique characteristics assigned to them. For example, people may have to sign in with their fingerprint, so you know anyone who is not meant to be there will not be able to gain access due to this high-tech security system in place.

There are many methods out there nowadays that can help keep your business secure, but the four main methods explained in this blog are the ones you want to be investing in first to ensure your business is as secure as it can be.